The 27th European Sport Management Conference

Every year in a different European city academics and professionals from over 40 countries and from every continent come together in order to discuss current trends and topics and to present latest research findings in the field of Sport Management. This is the European Sport Management Conference where key persons from national and international sport organisations, from professional sport clubs and leagues, from sport policy and sport management scholars meet and exchange ideas and visions about the development of the field. So it is the ideal meeting place for knowledge exchange and network opportunities since 1993 when the first edition took place in Groningen, The Netherlands. Apart from an excellent academic program for both academics and professionals in the field, the conference also includes activities for students. A student seminar for Bachelor and Master students and a PhD student seminar are organized in the days prior of the event. The student seminar gives participants the opportunity to meet other students from all over Europe and jointly work on a management game, of which the final is planned during the conference. The PhD student seminar aims to strengthen the abilities and competences of the future sport management scholars.



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